Contractor/Employee Compliance Policy & Procedure

2.2.6 POLICY
SelfDesign Learning Foundation contracts/hires individuals based on the highest level of professional standards. However, if an action, or lack of action, by a contractor/employee does not meet these standards (including those standards required by the Teacher Regulation Branch of the Ministry of Education), and/or organizational policies, and/or Provincial or Federal laws, then corrective actions may be required.  All corrective actions in coordination with team leads/Principal will be approved by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)*, and only after an investigation has been completed.
Corrective actions directed at the *CEO will be determined by the Board of Directors. PROCEDURES

The following progressive corrective actions should be performed dependent upon the nature of the non-compliant action. Serious and/or legal offences such as physical or sexual assault and/or theft will result in immediate termination of contract/employment.

Reasons for a Level One notification include: First incident of not following proper policies and/or procedures; first incident of not following contract/employment terms; not upholding contract/employment standards.

Under the direction of the team lead, the contractor/employee will be:

  • Given a written warning regarding the undesirable behaviour or action. In order to ensure that there is a record of this warning, the team lead will complete a Compliance Report. A completed copy of this form will be provided to the contractor and to HR.
  • Given an explanation of when and how the behaviour or action took place. This will include the reason as to why the behaviour or action was unacceptable.
  • Given an opportunity to explain their view of the situation and their actions.
  • Given a description of the desirable and/or acceptable behaviour or actions.
  • Given an opportunity to work with the team lead to develop an action plan. This plan will include a date for compliance and a date for a follow-up review.
  • Provided with a copy of the written warning in the form of a Compliance Report and another will be submitted to HR department and placed in the contractor/employee’s file.
  • Requested to sign the document as proof they have received it.
  • Informed that further corrective actions, up to and including termination, will follow if unacceptable actions continue.



Reasons for level two notification include:

Second incident of not following proper policies and/or procedures; second incident of not following contract/employment terms; not upholding contract/employment standards.

Under the direction of the Team Lead, the contractor/employee will be:

  • Given a second written warning regarding their non-compliant behaviour or action, the team lead will complete a second Compliance Report. A completed copy of this form will be provided to the contractor and to HR.
  • Given an explanation of when and how the non-compliant behaviour or action took place. This will include the reason why the behaviour or action was unacceptable.
  • Given an opportunity to explain the situation and their actions
  • Given a description of the acceptable behaviour or actions.
  • Given an opportunity to work with the team lead to develop an action plan. This plan will include a date for compliance and a date for a follow-up review.
  • Provided with a copy of the written warning in the form of a Compliance Report and another will be submitted to the HR department and placed in the contractor/employee’s file.
  • Requested to sign the document as proof that they have received it.
  • Notified that future non-compliant actions will be addressed with further progressive corrective actions up to and including termination.



Pursuant to Clause 5 of the contract between SelfDesign Learning Foundation and the Contractor, a contract can be terminated with 15 days written notice or for the following reasons, including but not limited to: repeated unsuccessful disciplinary attempts, workplace bullying and/or harassment including online. Serious and/or legal offences such as physical or sexual assault and/or theft will result in immediate termination of contract/employment.

Under the direction of the President/CEO, the contractor/employee will be:

  • Given written documentation regarding their termination and the non-compliant behaviour or action leading to and justifying the termination. Documentation should include information on the offence and previous disciplinary communications with the contractor/employee.
  • Given a description of when and how the non-compliant behaviour or action took place. This will include the reason why the behaviour or action was unacceptable.
  • Given a description of the acceptable behaviour or actions.
  • Provided with a copy of the termination notice and another copy will be placed in the contractor/employee’s file.
  • Discontinue online and/or physical access to SelfDesign Learning Foundation programs & services.


EFFECTIVE:  June 24, 2017
REVISED: May 25, 2018