Medication Administration


The procedures for the administration of oral medication, in particular, is applied only to those services requested by the parent and prescribed by a physician or other health care professional, which must be provided during attendance at a SelfDesign learning centre, camp, in-person gathering, or with a Support Provider contracted by SelfDesign, and are as follows:

  1. The request for service must be made in writing by the parent/guardian, including the parent/guardian’s name, learner’s name, the physician’s name, and indicating that the medication is to be given according to authorization by the physician.
  2. The authorization to provide the service must be made in writing by the physician and include: the medication, the dosage, the frequency and method of administration, the dates for which the authorization applies, what to do if a dose is missed or spilled, and the possible side effects, if any. 
  3. Determine storage and safekeeping requirements to limit access to the medication from other learners.
  4. When medication is administered by the educator or support providers, a Medication Administration Record must be maintained, which includes the learner’s name, date, time of provision, dosage given, and name of person administering.
  5. The telephone numbers of the parent and physician be readily accessible in the school.
  6. The medication be administered in a manner which allows for sensitivity and privacy and which encourages the learner  to take an appropriate level of responsibility for his or her medication.

Authorization form

To be completed by physician or a physician’s note needs to be attached with the following information:

Childs Name: ______________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________________________

Medication: _______________________________________________________

Dosage:  __________________________________________________________

Frequency and method of administration: _____________________

Dates for which authorization applies: _________________________

Possible effects: __________________________________________________

Protocol in case of missed/late dose: ___________________________

Storage and safekeeping of medication: _______________________

Physician Name: _________________________________________________

Physician Phone Number: _______________________________________


Physician signature: _________________________________________

Date: _________________________


Request for Medication Administration (to be completed by parent):

I, ___________________, request that my child, ___________________, receive medication at school as directed by their physician, _______________. 

Parent Signature: ______________________________________     Date: ________________________     Parent contact #: __________________________________


Change Log

  • Policy page updated August 22, 2022
  • Last reviewed/updated August 22, 2022