Occupational Health and Safety

General Statements

This policy demonstrates SelfDesign Learning Foundation’s commitment to providing a safe and healthy environment for work and study in accordance with the Workers Compensation Act Section 3, Division 3, and with standards set forth by WorkSafe BC in its document, “How to Implement a Formal Occupational Health and Safety Program.”


All contractors working with SelfDesign Learning Foundation, including in SelfDesign Learning Community, and Homelearners Network.


As a leading Canadian educational entity with a reputation for innovation and excellence in supported, self-directed education, SelfDesign Learning Foundation is committed to providing resources for all contractors to create their healthy and safe work environments.

The organization strives to fully integrate health and safety into all aspects of its activities through a process of continuous improvement.  This will be achieved by implementing and maintaining a framework that ensures the systematic management of health and safety throughout all centres and events, as well as providing health and safety resources for contractors working from home, or contractors working with learners in a range of environments.  In addition, measurable objectives will be set, and targets aimed at controlling higher risk activities and increasing awareness of health & safety will be chosen.

Our principal goal is to improve health and safety and to prevent workplace injuries and illnesses for contractors as they work for SelfDesign.

SelfDesign promotes a proactive health and safety management philosophy based on effective communication and consultation, the systematic identification, assessment and control of hazards and the encouragement of innovation.


Further Reading

All workers are encouraged to read or search through the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations here.


Change Log

  • Effective: Oct 16, 2018
  • Revised: April 29, 2022