WorkSafeBC Contractor Coverage

General Statements

All employers are legally required to have WorkSafeBC coverage unless the employer is exempt. An employer is a person or firm that hires workers or unregistered subcontractors and an employer can be a self-employed proprietor, partnership, corporation, society, or any other type of legal entity.


SDLF registered for WorkSafeBC insurance coverage because of its practice of contracting one or more workers on a full-time, part-time, casual, or contract basis.  Because SDLF is registered, all contractors deemed ‘workers of the SDLF firm’ must be insured.


SDLF will pay coverage premiums on behalf of workers who are deemed by WorkSafeBC (WSBC) “Workers of the SDLF firm.”

If a contractor has multiple contracts outside of SDLF, or is incorporated, then SDLF will require the contractor to register with WSBC in order to have a documented ruling on who is responsible for WSBC coverage.

If a contractor is non-incorporated, does not have an apparent plurality of contracts, does not have sub-contractors, and is in a higher risk category of contract (such as SupportEd Assistants, or SEAs), SDLF will make an internal ruling to cover the worker, without requiring the worker to register with WSBC.

If a worker of SDLF leaves BC for personal reasons while continuing to do SDLF work online for longer than 6 months, then SDLF will stop covering that individual.  Please see section “C” of this letter received from Steve Fawcett, Assessments, WSBC (March 22, 2017).

Change Log

  • Effective: Oct 16, 2018
  • Last reviewed/updated: April 29, 2022